Late-breaking Update

Oh my word…you will just not believe what happened while I was visiting my family in Chicago this weekend. The Mom and I went over to Cheryl’s house for dessert on Sunday when she casually showed us her fabulous prize of that gorgeous gold-plated and plastic keychain from Florida. We were all standing around admiring it when I saw The Mom’s eyes turn glassy and wide. Suddently she started screaming “It’s not fair! It’s not fair! I should have won! I deserved that prize! I wanted that keychain so badly!”

Before I could say or do anything, body parts were flying.

There was screaming and crying.

Cheryl was victorious once again. She managed to keep the keychain.

It was just plain embarrassing. That Mom. You just can’t take her anywhere.


Filed under Kristy

Congratulations to us!

We made it!  We, the crazy ladies, walked from Delaware to the Golden Gate Bridge in CA.  We walked through the hot sizzling sun, torrential down pours, blizzards, and beautiful weather. 

We only had one major accident due to a drinking problem, but other than that we did very well.

Those that finished walked 504,800 steps.  WooHoo!

  • Cheryl  arrived on November 9, 2009.  She started well after the rest of us and got there first.
  • Kristy arrived on November 21, 2009.
  • Applie arrived on November 22, 2009.
  • Sandy (The Mom) arrived on December 13, 2009
  • Elaine arrived on December 15, 2009

Way to go, Ladies!  I am proud of all of us.  Your certificates are being mail tomorrow, Dec. 21. 😀


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Round ’em up and haul ’em in!

They’re a comin’! I can see them from here! WOOT.

The Mom is somewhere. Actually we don’t know where she is.

The Elaine is at 4651. Elaine is somewhere between Middlegate to Virginia City,CO. She only has 17 miles to get to the CA stateline and only 397 miles to the bridge! Yeah! Come-on Elaine!.

The Melanie is at mile 3476 and she is between Buena Vista and Redstone. STILL!!

Ok Ladies. We are having a hard time keeping up with this blog. So…we are giving you till December 18th   and we  will stop blogging. You are welcome to continue to walk and let me know the date you get to the bridge and I’ll send you a certificate. Sorry about that, but I don’t want to be thinking about this blog during Christmas. 🙂

So, in other words. You ladies get your butts moving!


Filed under We're walking!

Time to walk off that turkey!

Ok ladies, the Thanksgiving Holiday is over, now let’s get walking…again!

Where are we:

Cheryl, Kristy, and Applie are at the bridge. Waiting…with a cup of sugar and some coffee, with some Vanilla Cream and a donut, with sprinkles. Two donuts. This can only happen in cyber-world.

The Mom is somewhere over there. —> I need to check the counts. WooHoo, Mom is at mile 4581. So glad she kept up with her miles. I got lost in the comments. lol

The Elaine is at 3887. Way to go Elaine! You’ll be with us in no time! Elaine is now in Utah! She is visiting the area of Hite (Colorado River).

The Melanie is at mile 3362 and she is between Buena Vista and Redstone. Come on, Melanie!!

Applie on the other hand, has forgotten to record her steps for the last two days. Today she took a two hour drive to Gainesville and an 1.5 hour drive back. While in Gainesville she sat down and ate a huge amount of food at lunch and went way over your calorie count. Her whopping count for today is 1,342. Sad, sad, sad…


Filed under We're walking!

I Did It Too!!

It is so good to see Kristy and Cheryl! While there I am going to take in a little sighting and then head on back to meet up with Elaine!

Ladies, YOU CAN DO IT!!

Edited by Kristy to Add:

Mom is currently at Mile 4338 which puts her at Duckwater, Nevada. Just 711 miles to go mom!

And you aren’t going to believe this…I think Melanie must be cheating because with the 307 miles she got over the end of last week, she is now tied with Elaine!! Smack dab tied on the nose! Of course, I haven’t gotten any steps from Elaine in a while, but for the moment, they are even-steven. Elaine and Melanie are at Mile 3205 which puts them at Denver, Colorado. Just 1843 miles to go!


Filed under Applie, We're walking!

I Did It!!!

I made it to the Golden Gate Bridge today!! Cheryl and I are enjoying a large cup of hot chocolate at Starbucks, where she has been waiting patiently,  as we speak.

Thanks to my power walking yesterday, I had just 27 miles to go today. I am pleased to say that as of 3:30pm Saturday afternoon, I have accumulated another 31 miles, bringing me to the Bridge!!

Okay, hurry it up Applie. We are going to wait right here for you. But I’d like to make it home in time for Thanksgiving dinner. I managed to wrangle up some guests. I should be home to cook for them.

And after Applie makes it, I think the three of  us are all going to do some sight-seeing while we wait for the rest of you. After all, we can’t wait around Starbucks forever.

Come on ladies! Put it in high gear. I’m rooting for you all!!!


Filed under Kristy

Let’s keep walking, walking, walking…

Ok Ladies!  Let’s see where we are.

Kristy:  Currently at mile 4923.  Wow, Kristy is right smack dab on a Milestone  #65!  Sacramento to Antioch.  I don’t think any of us landed on a milestone.  Way to go Kristy!  Just a measly 125 miles to go!  Can you see Cheryl yet?

Applie: 4794 miles at Foresthill to Auburn.  Just 254 miles to go.

Mom: 4196  miles and is almost to the Utah state line!  WooHoo!     Just 852 miles to go.

Elaine: 3205 miles and is just 15 miles from  Denver on her way to Buena Vista. I think we are waiting on a few more counts from Elaine.   Just 1843 miles to go.  You can do it, Elaine!

Melanie: 2898 miles.  Melanie is now in Colorado, Kansas to Canon City!  WooHoo!  Just 2150 miles to go.  Melanie, keep up the miles you’re doing and you’ll get there in no time.  We’ll be waiting!

Let’s keep walkin’, walkin’, walkin’. 



Filed under We're walking!

The End Is Near

For some of us at least!

Kristy: 1 mile to the CA line! Currently at mile 4667 with 381 miles to go. I hope to finish up by the end of this week :).

Applie: 4448 miles at South Twin Campground, Nevada with 600 miles to go. If you walk 100 miles a day, you can finish by the end of the week also, Applie :).

Mom: 3943 miles at Boulder, Utah. I bet it’s beautiful there. You’ve only got 1105 miles to go.

Elaine: 3125 miles at Denver, Colorado. I bet the weather is not much different than Alaska right now. You’ve got 1923 miles to go Elaine.

Melanie: 1750 2750 miles. I’m giving you a bonus 1000 miles to get you back into this race. Besides, I’m trying to butter you up so you will let me come and stay with you when you get to Hawaii. You have now crossed the Colorado state line on your way to Canon City. You’ve got 2298 miles to go. Get moving woman!

Okay, ladies. This is crunch time. The holidays are here and this is no time to be slacking. Let’s get those exercise shoes on and get serious. Cheryl is getting tired of waiting for us in California. Let’s get a move on!!!!


Filed under We're walking!

Is we is or is we ain’t seeing the end

Cheryl is tapping her foot and checking her watch at the Golden Gate Bridge.

Kristy is on her way to Pine Creek Campground at Mile 4508.

Applie is just 19 miles from Nevada at Mile 4240.

The Mom is slow and steady and now in Moab, Utah on the way to Hite at Mile 3835.

Elaine, is in Canon City going to Denverat Mile 2985.

We seem to have a someone rejoining the group. Apparently, she has stopped looking at the man and decided she needed to hit the road again. Excuse me while I check our files to see where she left off, so I can add her totals




Ah here we are! October 16, Melanie, the slacker, had 1227 miles. So, as of today she has 1228 miles. LOL Just kidding. She actually has 1517 miles. WooHoo. Hey, Melanie, flying to Hawaii doesn’t count as miles or step. Just so ya know. Melanie is in Illinois!

Keep it up ladies!

Do you think we would walk faster if we dangled a roasted turkey in front of us?


Filed under We're walking!

Cheryl Did It!!


Cheryl is our first walker to cross the Golden Gate Bridge and finish the walk! Congratulations Cheryl!!! Too bad that there is not some fabulous prize for finishing. Instead you can bask in the knowledge that the youngest, busiest and fittest member of the club finished first. What an honor. Your specially signed by Applie Certificate will be sent to you sometime in the future. Or not. I can’t promise anything since I’m not Applie :).

In the meantime,

Kristy has crossed into Nevada and is on the way to Preston at Mile 4250. About 13 days to go.

Applie is on her way to Beaver, Utah at Mile 4028. About 15 days to go.

The Mom is slow and steady and now in Utah at Mile 3632. About 42 days to go.

Elaine, ever bogged down by that Alaskan snow and chill, is still trudging along in Colorado now at Mile 2901. About 88 days to go.

Keep it up ladies! We can do it. We can all cross that bridge before the Thanksgiving Christmas  New Year Spring!


Filed under We're walking!